jueves, 17 de enero de 2013

The good, the bad and the learned of 2012

A) Good things about last year:
Last year I met many people who helped me a lot to grow as a person and taught me how to live in a better way. I got an english scholarchip at Alberto Hurtado's University. Last year for my birthday I met a guy who was really nice with me, his name is Diego. With time he started to be one of the most important persons in my life and now we have been in a relationship for a month. Past year I realized that I have great friends that I can trust and count on them because they will always be there for me.
B) Bad things about last year:
Last year I almost lose one of the most important things that I have, I almost moved from my high school, because I made many mistakes. My great-grandmother past away on july, two wicks after her birthday. On dicember 3rd, my grandfather marked a year since he died. I lose a great friend because she betrayed me, she said things she should not say to people that sould not know. My family almost goes apart and I had a lot of problems, but all of them are solvable. And I realized that not everyone who says that is your friend it is really.
C)What I learned about 2012:
I learned that not everyone is who they say they are, I realized that not everyone it is there when you need them, but who really is there worth fighting. I learned that family is one of the most important things that you can be part of and you must fight to keep it together. God always have to be the most important in your life, without him you are nothing. You have to be yourself, do not pretend to be someone else, because you are not going anywhere that way. Now my philosophy of life is: Love, laugh, enjoy, be happy.
D)What I realized I still need to learn:
I still need to learn about life, I'm just starting, I still need to learn about how to do things right, and to don't mess it up. I still need to learn a lot of the thing that teachers teaches at school and university, I still need to learn how to be the person I want to be and keep close the people I really love.

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