sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013

Michelle Bachelet Jeria

Verónica Michelle Bachelet Jeria, born September 29, 1951 is a Chilean Socialist politician who served as President of Chile from 2006 to 2010. She resigned from UN Women in March 2013 to run for a second term as President of Chile, now with the support of the Communist Party in additional to the parties that supported her previous presidential term.
Bachelet, a physician with studies in military strategy, she is a pediatrician, served as Health Minister and Defense Minister under her predecessor, President Ricardo Lagos. She is a separated mother of three and describes herself as an agnostic. As well as her native Spanish, she speaks EnglishGermanPortuguese and French, with varying levels of fluency.
Her main promise was to fight against inequality, by saying this: "The inequality is the anger of the citizenry". Besides this, she wants to reform taxes and education, making this last free for everybody, thing that personally I find impossible, the economic situation of the country can't pay that cost, it's to expensive to do it, 'cause the state should sustain all teachers, upgrades of schools and everything, making the taxes more expensive.
On her old nomination, she threw projects that weren't the best for the population, so with some of them caused a big chaos. She omited the tsunami alert on the 2010 earthquake, causing the death of thousands of people, some of them still missing. Some families know anything about they relatives, not even where they are.
You souldn't vote for her, because she didn't make good decisions on her past goverment, she made lots of mistakes and didn't solve the real problems of the nation. Otherwise, we most give the opportunity to new people, with fresh ideas, enthusiasm and kindness to goverment the country.